
November 30, 2023

Creativity. What else?
Creativity. What else?

Creativity. What would it be if, as a digital transformation and evolution consultant, we didn't talk about creative processes?

We don't intend to dissect the concept of creativity, nor theorize the state of creativity in the CHAT GPT-4 context... Or do we? Maybe this insight will end up boosting your SEO…


In fact, the real intention here is to reflect on the paradigm of creativity à la George Clooney. With a title like this, there had to be this reference. But what is the paradigm of creativity like George Clooney?

Well, essentially it assumes that innovative ideas emerge in the same way that coffee “emerges” from the machine - through capsules, when we want them.

In this scenario, in high-pressure environments resulting from the influx of projects, creative solutions are required immediately, on demand - and this creates an image of pride in how everything aligned and translated into a new success.

However, creativity does not come in capsules. Just like in an Espresso machine, the coffee beans in that capsule only produce an intense flavor if there is water in the tank.

Not wanting to delve into cliché reflections, it is in water that the core of the coffee transforms and evolves in flavor. The capsules frame the person's cluster of experiences, their tastes, their interests, their strengths.

Basically, your workers may have the core of creativity present in their framework of experiences and tastes, but it is the surrounding environment which will determine the fluidity of the solutions “out of the espresso machine” (because we are all fed up with the box).

To put these ideas into perspective, think of your creatives as coffee machines, with the capsule in mind, and to make the click you need to check if there is water - what a beautiful image this is.

SEO boost: this logic allows you to understand that the CHAT GPT-4 tool is indeed powerful, with tremendous revolutionary potential, but that its use will only represent real added value if, on the human side, the inputs are well designed. Once again we have the machine, with the capsule ready, but it is the “watering well” process that will determine the final flavor.

Now that we have climbed the hierarchy of results from the “message factory insights creativity” search, let us introduce what really matters: what are the atomic elements in the composition of this creative water? How can a company create conditions for creative development?

1) Organization

The clarity of projects will allow for greater creativity since the mental resources required for processing are small. Therefore, by having a well-defined project, with SMART objectives and a well-defined timeline, there is a good starting point for creative production.

2) Socialisation

Interaction with others leads to the sharing of visions, deconstructions of reality which, consequently, leads to greater creative imagination.

3) Experiences

Experiences are closely associated with socialisation, but here the need to have extra-work activities or even in a team-building context is highlighted. The best ideas are often within reach of a simple walk with the dog, so imagine the potential that exists in creating new experiences!

So, don't forget to check the water in the machine and contribute to the best coffees on the market!

(Now I'm going to get mine because I need to finish a project...)

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