
November 30, 2023

Co-working & Networking: IDEA Spaces
Co-working & Networking: IDEA Spaces

If you are reading this insight, then you are probably considering whether it makes sense for your company to work in a coworking space. We hope that your decision will be made at the end of this text.‍

In an increasingly hybrid world, coworking solutions reflect a new way of perceiving work - a space dedicated to productivity but with a special dedication to the sense of community. ‍

Yes, being able to work from home was transformative. But if you want to transform and evolve your business, then promoting interaction between employees and “neighbors” from other companies will certainly represent an added value.‍

Our case is no different, in the 2 years of Message Factory’s existence, we have always invested in co-working and we are avid fans of this working regime. ‍

Idea Spaces - São Sebastião has become our residence that provides all the conditions for a working environment that is not only productive and creative, but also recreational and community.‍

And this is possible taking into account the following aspects:


The main advantage of working in coworking spaces lies in the flexibility of work. Whether on a “hot-seat” basis or in a fixed location, at IDEA Spaces there is always the possibility to work in the various hubs of Lisbon (Parque das Nações, São Sebastião, Saldanha, Palácio Sotto Mayor).

Furthermore, if your company has a team of up to 5 people, rotation - between those present at the desk and those at home - is undoubtedly a notable advantage.

Sense of Community

A space that actively seeks to create connections between companies and even look beyond the job profile, in our opinion reinforces the added value of working in coworking. Increasingly, the social and work spheres are intertwined, in an unhealthy Venn diagram. Therefore, we work in a place that at least once a week invites you to take a “shutdown” and that provides moments of conviviality and entertainment - now that’s a great IDEA!

Maior interação profissional > Networking

In the same way that there are opportunities to create relationships outside of the work context, the same is obviously true for professional issues: Networking.

Did you know that you can present your business in an elevator ride? Yap, it’s possible!‍

“Ay Message Factory, that’s catchy! What's your business about?”

@ IDEA Spaces São Sebastião's Elevator

Reduced costs

You’ve come this far and you think “very well, the text is well written and everything looks great but… how much does great cost?”. It is at this point that we conclude the advantages of working on a co-working basis, reduced costs compared to conventional office rents.

If you have come this far and the doubt still remains, why not go through IDEA Spaces, who knows if your business needs a boost of digital energy!
Tip: happy hour on Thursdays.

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We are teambuilders, dreamers and achievers. Working with us means designing an innovative and sustainable future.

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